Week 3 Guide lines

Firstly this week has helped me define my project a bit further. I will be doing a needs analysis on a elearning resource intended for use in upcoming engineering course. The intention is to add a resource into one particular topic area and at this stage continue to maintain f2f learning for the rest of the course, ie a slow introduction of elearnign into the course. So once this was decided coming up with two guidelines was easy.

The two guidelines that I selected from the elearning guidelines for NZ that interested me are

TD1 Is the use of e-learning the best way to achieve the intended learning outcomes?

What I have noticed in the teaching of Engineering is that currently there is not very much elearning being practised, my research is not extensive so I may be proven wrong. It certainly does not exist where I have been teaching. The reasons may be due to lack of knowledge and skills on the part of tutors about elearning and a fear of increased workloads due to the initial setting up of the resource. We do teach high level software applications in the form of Computer aided Design programmes, so students are and need to be familiar with computers. So you would think that the next step would be to use elearning as part of the teaching process

Link to guideline TD1

The second Guideline is
Do students gain knowledge relevant to employment and/or current thinking in their field?

link to the guidelines click here http://elg.massey.ac.nz/index.php?title=SD3

At Bahrain polytechnic one of our primary objectives is to produce work ready students. So the elarning resource should confirm with that.